Saturday, February 18, 2012

Carpet Replacement

When we moved into Scottish Gardens my biggest concern was the carpet. I could tell by looking at it that it was very old and requested that it be changed but the manager wouldn't comply. After we moved in we began to notice that it smelled like cat urine and went back and forth with the manager and owners. It took months but we finally got them to change our carpet. It was a lot of work! Here is our furniture out on the lawn.
Our empty apartment. We waited for hours on the floor for the carpet people to show up. It was very stressful thinking that they weren't gonna show after we had completely cleared the carpet.
Everything stuffed into the kitchen and bathrooms.
Once they changed the carpet in our room we had to move everything from Preston's room into our room.
When they started pulling the carpet back you could see all the stains.
And this was the padding at the entrance to our bedroom....gone.
Our beautiful new carpet!!!! We are so happy.
Preston likes it too! He kept saying "new carpet" and petting it.

It's so nice to have clean, new carpet!