Monday, October 1, 2007

Our Day Off

It's been a while since our last blog, and since we don't have much going on, we thought we'd share a little from our fun day off. We started out the day around 11:30, sleeping in on the one day a week that we can. We watched a little of Amazing Vacation Houses (on Discovery Channel) and dreamed about which ones we will visit someday. We then decided to clean our apartment and get out our Halloween decorations as it is October first (11 days til my birthday btw).

I know it's a little scarce but we just began our collection a year ago.
We decided then that we needed to do something a little more on our day off. We went to Scandia Family Fun Center. (Remember we went there for my 13th birthday party, although we went to the one near Roseville this time). We played 2 rounds of rousing mini-golf (Aaron won both times, barely. He came back from behind on the 2nd round.) and spent some time gaming in the arcade. 2 games of air hockey (we each took one) and then had some fun winning a total of 41 tickets in which we bought a sour candy belt and gave the remaining tickets to some lucky kids. Too bad we forgot our camera. Luckily we did find the photo booth, and since we've always wanted to take photo booth pictures, we did.

Fun day. Too bad tomorrow is back to work and school...


Mel said...

Sound like a super fun day. How nostalgic- I totally remember Scandia for your bday. Remember our photo booth pics? They are my favorite. You guys are cute, too. I also like your decorations and am jealous because I can't have nice things. The little monster would destroy them...she has lately discovered that she can reach anything with the help of a chair! We are proud of her ingenuity but sad that new meaning is brough to the term "nothing is safe." I can't wait to come visit your apartment at Christmas (and have you come visit us).

Mindy said...

How fun!! Tari and i are going to miss you general conference weekend... i'm making a yummy dinner... you should fly out.

Lauren said...

Very cute. Don't you love how fun photo booth pictures are. You sit there and plan out what your going to do for each picture. I know I'm stating the obvious everyone but I'm just typing what I'm thinking. I also love how even your computer is festive. I wonder how many people noticed that! So what are you guys going to be for Halloween? We're making up for lost time. Adam and I have never spent a Halloween together (Yes, we've been married for 3 years but he was always in the field... stupid army) so we're going to three different events and Aubrey is going to have two different costumes. I started making one and then one arrived in the mail from my mom. Gotta love Grandma. Geez Lauren, is this your post or Em and Aaron's.

anna and chris said...

aw you guys are cute. sounds like a fun day. I remember those decorations. looks cute