Friday, October 23, 2009

Cutest Thing I've EVER seen!

Today was the long awaited 20 week ultrasound so we got to see our little baby. It definitely is a boy-glad our early ultrasound wasn't wrong! He is looking so cute and according to measurements seems to be more like 20 weeks 5 days instead of 19 weeks 5 days. Aaron says he had a big head as a baby/kid so he's probably right on schedule. I wouldn't mind if he came a week earlier.
This is my favorite picture of all time. He has both his hands in fists up by his face and may even be sucking his thumb.

Here is a profile and you get to see the spine. I'm hoping he has Aaron's nose and this profile looks promising :)

And, for my embarassment, here are some belly pictures.
This first one is the first pictures we took at about 8 or 9 weeks. This is to give you an idea of where we started.

This is about 17 weeks

and this is 18 weeks.

My stomach is even bigger since then so I will post more pictures soon.


Lyndsey said...

I am glad to see that you are finally showing! I can't believe that you are so tiny still! Can't wait to meet him. Love you guys

Mel said...

He is definitely a cute little boy! I love that shot of his arm up by his face.

anna and chris said...

SO cute!!! cant wait to meet my new little nephew. definatly can tell theres a baby in ur tummy!

The Fishers said...

You're looking great!!!

Cadle Clan said...

You look great!

Ringo and Company said...

You are both looking cute!

Rob, Adrienne, Sam, Ada and Tony said...

Your baby boy is so adorable. I hope he's still treating his mommy good. That's so great you got to see him sucking his thumb. Your belly is cute. I should start taking pictures too. I haven't done many side shots yet.

Lauren said...

It's so fun to see pictures of you and the baby. Your belly doesn't look very big, though, and I hope he does have your nose because you have a great nose.


I am so excited for you guys! I love the ultra sound pictures of the little guy. Your belly shots are cute!! You look so great! Hope everything is going well for you.

Anonymous said...

Are you going to start wearing the clothes we got at the prego store soon!!! haha

Grandma Cheryl said...

Very cute and exciting! You are looking great and very brave to take those pictures.