Preston really had a ball at his party. He loved looking out the screen door-from the outside in....
Grandma Carter and Preston
Aunt Hillary and Preston
Aaron, Emily, Preston and Tanner
Preston really had a ball at his party. He loved looking out the screen door-from the outside in....
Posted by Emily and Aaron Carter at 8:43 PM 2 comments
On March 9, 2011 Brad returned home from his mission to the Australia Adelaide mission. We didn't get to go to the airport but saw him later that day.
He's home!!Brad brought back all sorts of goodies from Australia. Here he is playing his didgeree doo that he bought and had painted by one of the aboriginals. He's pretty good!
The kids loved it!
Looking like Crocodile Dundee!
I love this picture!
Brad showed us the perfect coin pouch with no seams. We couldn't figure out how it was made until Brad revealed what it really was. Yes, it's a coin pouch but it's also a male Kangaroo' get the idea. I threw it as soon as I knew.
And Preston just enjoying some of Aunt Lyndsey's cookies.
We are so glad you are home, Brad!!!
Posted by Emily and Aaron Carter at 7:36 PM 1 comments
Preston was very excited to open his presents-he didn't want to waitPreston and Dad
Mom was a little more excited about the presents than Preston once they were opened
All the kids were really into the toys!
Puppy from Grandma Carter
Little People Zoo from Grandma Coons
He LOVES his presents! Thank you everyone!!
Posted by Emily and Aaron Carter at 2:58 PM 1 comments
On Saturday, March 5th Preston turned 1!!! We had a family party at Grandpa and Grandma Carter's house to celebrate. I can't believe that our baby is one-this has been the best year of our lives and we were so happy to celebrate our sweet boy.
Preston waiting for his cakePreston's own cake
He's excited!Preston was so timid with his cake. He started picking off a little of the frosting but wouldn't dig in.
It looks like Preston really got into the cake but that was just me trying to help him.
Preston feeding mom and dad :)
Getting cleaned up by Grammy
I wanted to take a stab at making a fondant cake for Preston's birthday. It turned out great and was so fun to do (even when I had to stay up til 2:30am to finish it!)
Posted by Emily and Aaron Carter at 4:07 PM 12 comments
February 18th, 2011
"What's in here?"
"There's stuff in this drawer?!"
"Leave me alone."
March 4th, 2011
Making a mess
"I'm not doing anything wrong."
Posted by Emily and Aaron Carter at 9:45 PM 0 comments