Monday, September 5, 2011

18 Months

Preston is 18 months old today. I simply cannot believe it. Time is flying by and my baby is now a little boy.
In the aisle of Walgreens
He is such an incredible boy and surprises me each day with how smart he is. For example, today we pulled into our parking spot and he says "Yay! Home!" He knows the word "home"?! He says so many more words and just loves to talk. Some of the new things he says:
"No"-This one is a constant. He sometimes is even saying no when he really means yes.
Another favorite is "hot". Everything is hot.
"Blueberries" "Strawberries" "Tree" "Ball" "Birdie" "Fly" "Outside" "All gone" "All done" "Bite"
He also mimicks everything I say. Tonight I was telling him he was making me mad by throwing his food on the floor and he kept saying "mama mad" over and over again.
He also is getting better at making animal noises although he definitely prefers monkey and lion sounds. He has started doing an elephant noise while he raises his arm to be the trunk.
He absolutely loves to play and always wants to be outside. He will wake up and go to the sliding door and say "outside". He loves to play in the dirt and throw it all over the ground and into his little pool. He also manages to get his toys in every corner of the house in a matter of minutes.
He is so good at throwing the ball and has really good aim and force. I am beginning to really worry about our pictures and TV because he has such a strong throw. We are trying to teach him to only throw balls but he constantly is throwing his toys at us and we have the bruises to show for it.
He brings us so much joy and we can't imagine life without him. That being said, we CAN'T WAIT for him to go to nursery next week!


Anonymous said...

man he is so cute!!! he will definitely be a baseball player and i will come to all his games because i will have a license!!! i will also be in college at byu, but it will work out :)

S said...

I love that he is a total boy, complete with the boots!

And I didn't mean you had to blog about your depressing stuff like I do, I just want to know what's going on with YOU. And maybe an interesting tale or two from the life of Em.