Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tanner is ONE!!!

It seems like just yesterday that I was awaiting the arrival of this sweet little boy and now he is one! It's amazing how much I cannot imagine life without him. From the moment he was born I knew I couldn't live without him.

He is such a happy boy and his joy is contagious. He took his first real steps on August 16th but isn't really choosing to walk at this point. He says a few words, mostly "mama" "dada" "ni-night" "ball" and "moh (more)". He is pretty good at communicating what he wants through pointing and grunting. Or yelling. His latest thing is yelling whenever he wants something. He is quite loud.
At 11 months he weighed 18lbs 8 oz, only about 25% for weight. He was 28 1/2 inches long, just above 50% for height and his head was 47cm, 75%. He is skinny but healthy and growing.
He takes 2 naps and he is sleeping through the night as long as Preston and him aren't in the same room. If they are together they always seem to wake up one another. He loves his brother and he laughs so hard at Preston. He eats pretty much everything and eats well, usually eating as much as or more than Preston! He has generally been such an easy and easy-going baby and we are so grateful. We are so happy to have him as part of our family.