Thursday, July 5, 2007

Fourth of July Spectacular!

We spent the day in Alamo hanging out with the family, and Anna's fiance Chris, who came in to town for a few days. We ate hot dogs and homemade icecream and went swimming.
We're proud to be Americans

Me and Anna

Us at the fireworks

Anna and Chris

My second cousins, Nicole and Kalesia, Brad and Aaron

Greg and Teresa

The Beautiful Fireworks


Mel said...

Aw, I love it. I wish we could have been in CA, too. You guys are lucky. I am glad the weather is so moderate here though. 85 is a heat wave- that's what it's been this week. Anna's ring is pretty. Love you tons!

Mindy said...

I love 4th of july at the coons!! remember that one weekend when it was your baby shower and it was so hot and we went swimming and it wasn't even refreshing because the water was so warm? that was really rough.

Emily and Aaron Carter said...

you mean bridal shower?

laurel said...

Hi Emily! I came across your blog and just wanted to say hi! It's been so fun to scroll through and see what you've be up to. Anyway, if you're bored, you can see my blog at Bye!

Mindy said...

i want to see pictures of your trip to southern ca.