Sunday, April 27, 2008


It was one year ago that I graduated from BYU and at that time I wanted a frame for my diploma but never got one. Then I asked for one for Christmas from my parents but I didn't know exactly which one I wanted. I finally found it and just got it this last week. I absolutely love it! Thanks Mom and Dad!

It feels good to have this hanging on the wall.


S said...

That looks way pretty, Em. I just have mine hanging in a cheap Wal-mart frame.

Mel said...

That is really pretty. I never had mine done- it would be a cool thing to hang in my library one day (that's one of me and Chris' dreams, to have a big, nice, plush, cozy, dreamy library in our house).

Mandy said...

That looks really nice. Mine is lost in our fire safe box somewhere. You just inspired me to get mine framed.