Thursday, August 14, 2008


This is Aaron, and I normally don't post blogs but I found this to be very disappointing--Emily's mom sent us an e-mail that bore the bad news that the 6th Harry Potter movie is being pushed back from it's upcoming November release (which wasn't far away) all the way until NEXT summer, in July! (really far away). Here's the story if you're interested:

What, Warner Brothers, like it wouldn't have made enough money for you to be happy? Because I remember the first 5 movies raking in the dough. You can't mess with the fans like that...

Any thoughts?


Lyndsey said...

Boo hisss. Can you believe all that talk of money and the movie market? sad I was really looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Thats stupid! You cant just tell everybody November and then switch it that far away!

Mel said...

I was so mad when Mindy emailed me the article yesterday! I have been fuming about it since. Super annoying.