Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Preston at the Dentist

Today was Preston's 2nd dentist appointment and he was such a champ! We have been talking about what the dentist does and how it's not scary and he did great. The whole time he was pretty reserved and reluctant but he did everything they asked him to do and even sat in the chair by himself! I'm so proud of my brave boy.

This was the best I could get from him. It was either a smile looking away from the camera, or this looking at the camera. And Tanner was not screaming like this the whole time. He was sleeping the whole time, which was perfect. He just woke up at the end. I am proud of both my boys today!


S said...

What a good little man, Em! Did the dentist steal all your money too, even with insurance? I only took Rosie in for a flouride varnish and it was 60 dollars. Holy cow, what the heck does insurance pay for? I should probably try going to a different guy, in case this one rips us off.

Mama Coons said...

I love all these posts!